When your visit is approved: how to prepare it ?

All the admin information and files are included in the Documents and procedure TA visit at IPAG you must download and read carefully.

In short:

Before you come

Fill the administrative form: “administrative-form-IPAG_fr-en.docx”
Choose your transportation mode/date and your hotel in the list and fill the transport / hotel request form: “Europlanet_IPAG_transport-hotel.docx”

The web site of the laboratory: https://ipag.osug.fr/

During your stay

We will first have a meeting with you to see your samples, explain you the facility and to fine tune the experiment parameters, sample preparation and experiment protocol.
You will have to fill some files to help ingest your data in the CSS@SSHADE database (in ’private mode’ until publication of your paper).

Just after your stay:

Fill and send us the travel reimbursement form for your travel (with tickets, hotel bill, ...)

Within a month after your stay:

Fill and send us the report document “Europlanet_TA_Report_Template.doc”

One to two years after your visit:

We will push your data in the public domain of the SSHADE database infrastructure shortly before your paper is published, or no later than 2 years after your visit. You will get a DOI, a data reference and a direct link for your data.

During the next 3 years after your stay:

Send us a copy of any conference or seminar abstract or paper submitted or accepted that make use of the data acquired during your TNA visit.

Updated on 19 September 2020