> Presentation
> SHADOWS Micro Spectro-Gonio Radiometer
SHADOWS Micro Spectro-Gonio Radiometer
General description
The new SHADOWS micro spectro-gonio radiometer is optimized for the measurement of bidirectional reflectance spectra (illumination and observation up to almost 80°, all azimuths, phase angle > 4-10° ), over the visible and near-IR (from 350 to 4800 nm), of dark and very small samples (organics, meteorites…) down to a few mm3 in volume. The instrument is fully described in Potin et al. 2018.
The instrument is located in a dark cold room that can be cooled down to -10°C. It is fully automatized and the data calibration and reduction are made with homemade softwares. Two thermal and cryogenic environmental cells are available: MIRAGE and IceBERG (under test).
Various types of measurements can be programmed: simple reflectance spectra at one geometry (but possibly varying with time, temperature, or physical/chemical process), full BRDF (only in open sample holder), limited angle BRDF spectra or at few wavelengths (MIRAGE and IceBERG cells), …
Availability to community:
– Technical improvements/calibration (15%)
– IPAG + associated laboratories measurements (60%)
– open as Europlanet 2024-RI facility (TNA) ( 15%)
– open to specific collaborations w. funding ( 10%)
SHADOWS instrument, showing all instrumentation and goniometer parts
Type:Laboratory Experiment facility
Facility name: SHADOWS Micro Spectro-Gonio Radiometer (Spectro-photometer with cHanging Angles for Detection Of Weak Signals)
Institut de Planétologie et Astrophysique de Grenoble
CNRS – Université Grenoble Alpes
Batiment D de Physique, 3rd level
124, rue de la Piscine
38400 Saint Martin d’Hères, France
Persons in charge:
– Scientific: Pierre Beck (Assistant Professor) & Bernard Schmitt (Research director)
– Technical: Olivier Brissaud (Engineer)
SHADOWS has currently 2 major sample holder configurations:
– Open sample holders (various sizes) in cold chamber over -10°C ─ +20°C temperature range.
Sample holders (aluminum): – cylindrical, d= 2 mm, h= 0.5 mm (for micro-beam) – cylindrical, d= 3 mm, h= 1 mm (for micro-beam) – cylindrical, d= 7 mm, h= 1 mm – cylindrical, d= 14 mm, h= 1 mm – cylindrical, d= 20 mm, h= 1 mm – cylindrical, d= 20 mm, h= 2 mm – cylindrical, d= 35 mm, h= 2 mm – cylindrical, d= 35 mm, h= 5 mm – (…)
A number of sample preparation tools and experiment sub-systems are available to the facility:
– For samples preparation: a cold chamber (down to -20°C), set of sample holders, several specific tools for ice sample preparation, 2 sets of sieves, grinders, mortars, saw, balances, microscope, owen, ultra-pure water, several pure gasses, wet chemistry materials, several owens (up to 1200°C) for sample treatments.
– For the experiment: a thermodynamic volumetric system with high accuracy (…)