IceBERG cryogenic cell (not available: under improvement)
The IceBERG cryogenic cell (under test) allows to reach temperatures down to 75K (-198°C) and low vacuum (<1 10-6 mb) and can be attached to the SHADOWS spectro-gonio radiometer.
The cryoICEBERG-cryo-cellstat is a pulse-tube of type Stirling (Thalès Cryogenics LPT9310/25). The temperature of the chamber is controlled by a PT100 thermal sensor and two heating resistances placed on 2 opposite sides of the support. These 25 ohm resistances are connected to an high accuracy temperature controller where the required temperature value can be configured to 0.1°C. It allows to measure and control the temperature down to 66K (-207°C). The temperatures are displayed with +/- 0.1°C uncertainty.
There is a choice of 6 sample holders with different sizes (volume from 7 mm3 to 20.3 cm3) to accommodate different amounts of material.
**Sample holders (black anodized aluminum):
– cylindrical, d= 3 mm, h= 1 mm (for micro-beam)
– cylindrical, d= 7 mm, h= 1 mm
– cylindrical, d= 10 mm, h= 2 mm
– cylindrical, d= 12 mm, h= 3 mm
– cylindrical, d= 20 mm, h= 8 mm
– cylindrical, d= 36 mm, h= 20 mm
– minimum temperature:
– 75K, -198°C (a room T°)
– 66K, -207°C (with cold room at -10°C)
– maximum temperature: 290K (+17°C)
– stabilisation time to 80K: 1h45
– stabilisation time to 75K: 2h30
– vacuum: < 1 10-6 mb