SHINE Spectro-Gonio Radiometer facility

General description

The SHINE instrument is our unique home-made Spectro-Gonio Radiometer that allows to measure the bidirectional reflectance spectra and distribution functions of various types of planetary materials (granular to compact) over almost the whole solar spectrum, from the visible to the near-IR (from 400 to 4800 nm), with a high degree of radiometric accuracy (better than +/-0.5%) under most viewing geometries (illumination and observation up to almost 80°, all azimuths, phase angle > 4-10° ). The instrument is fully described in Brissaud et al. 2004, Appl. Optics, 43, 1926.

The instrument is located in a dark cold room that can be cooled down to -20°C. It is fully automatized and the data calibration and reduction are made with homemade softwares. Two cryogenic environmental cells are available: SERAC and CarboN-IR.

Various types of measurements can be programmed: simple reflectance spectra at one geometry (but possibly varying with time, temperature, or physical/chemical process), full BRDF (only in open sample holder), limited angle BRDF spectra or at few wavelengths (SERAC and CarboN-IR cells), …

Availability to community:

– Technical improvements/calibration ( 10%)
– IPAG + associated laboratories measurements ( 60%)
– Open as Europlanet 2024-RI facility (TNA) ( 15%)
– Open to specific collaborations w. funding ( 15%)

General view of the SHINE Spectro-gonio radiometer at IPAG
General view of the instrumentation
Type: Laboratory Experiment facility

Facility name: SHINE Spectro-Gonio Radiometer (SpectropHotometer with variable INcidence and Emergence)

Institut de Planétologie et Astrophysique de Grenoble
CNRS – Université Grenoble Alpes
Batiment D de Physique, 3rd level
124, rue de la Piscine
38400 Saint Martin d’Hères, France

Persons in charge:
– Scientific: Bernard Schmitt (Research director) & Pierre Beck (Assistant Professor)
– Technical: Olivier Brissaud (Engineer)

References: Bonnefoy 2001 (PhD thesis); Brissaud et al. 2004

Technical characteristics

**Spectral range:
– 0.45 – 4.5 µm (< 0.45 & > 4.5 µm: lower S/N) (4.2-4.35µm: atm. CO2 limited)
**Spectral resolution: variable
– mini: < 0.1 nm (but S/N limited) – maxi: 2.2 nm (3000nm)
**Bidirectional Reflectance:
– Incidence angle: 0° to 85° ; resolution: 0.1° ; maximum sampling : 0.1° – Emergence angle: 0° to 80° (to 83° for dark / fine grained samples) ; resolution : ± 2.05° (may be reduced to < ± 0.5°, but S/N limited) ; max. sampling : 0.1° – Azimuth angle: 0° (…)

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Tools and sub-systems

A number of sample preparation tools and experiment sub-systems are available to the facility:
– For samples preparation: another cold chamber (down to -20°C), freezer, set of sample holders, several specific tools for ice sample preparation (H2O and CO2 ice), 2 sets of sieves, grinders, mortars, saw, balances, microscopes, owen, ultra-pure water, several pure gasses, wet chemistry materials, pellet press, several owens (up to 1200°C) for sample treatments.
– For the experiment: a (…)

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Sample holders

SHINE has currently 3 major sample holder configurations:
– Open sample holders (various sizes) in cold chamber over -20°C ─ +20°C temperature range.
Sample holders (aluminum): – cylindrical, d= 250 mm, h=100 mm – cylindrical, d=200 mm, h=60 mm – cylindrical, d=150 mm, h=25 mm – cylindrical, d=150 mm, h=10 mm
– The SERAC environmental cell with cryostats, pumps, pressure and temperature controllers, which allows us to introduce gas(es) of known composition and pressure (10-6 mb – 1 (…)

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